Top 6 Midjourney Parameters You Must Tryout!

You must have seen the amazing images generated by Midjourney. You must have even gone ahead and tried Midjourney yourself and would have been bamboozled by the images generated. But did you know Midjourney provides you with amazing flexibility to control the types of images generated. For example, you can add blur to your images, create images with different aspect ratios, or even control the quality in your images.


In this article we will look at the different parameters from Midjourney and see how they can be useful for your different use cases. 

Control aspect ratio with Midjourney

Midjourney allows you to change the aspect ratio of the images generated. This is really helpful because at places you will need to provide images in specific aspect ratio for optimum purposes. For example, Whatsapp profile pictures require images in 1:1 ratio, Instagram posts require images in 4:5 ratio, and so on. So, instead of cropping images later on and fitting them into the frame, it is best to generate images with the exact aspect ratio using the –aspect parameter of Midjourney.

Here is an example of using the aspect ration to generate an image of F1 cars racing with Alps in the background –aspect 3:2

We are printing the images in 3:2 aspect ratio using the –aspect parameter.

Aspect ratio 3:2 - Midjourney

Here is another image of Monkey wearing astronaut suit –aspect 1:1. This has an aspect ratio of 1:1.

Midjourney - aspect ratio

Midjourney v5 supports many other aspect ratios like 4:5, 16:9, 2:3, and so on. So use this parameter to create perfect fitting images!

Controlling Chaos in Images

Using the –chaos parameter determines the variation in the initial images created by Midjourney. Higher the chaos value, more unusual and unexpected the results each time you generate them. It takes values between 0 and 100 with 0 being the default value.

Here is an image of baby panda cyberpunk style with low chaos. We provided the following prompt for this image – Baby panda cyberpunk style –chaos 0

Here is the image that Midjourney created. Notice that although all of them are different, there is some level of similarity between them.

Here is another image generated with the same prompt. Again, these are similar to the ones generated above.

Now let’s try generating images using a high chaos value. Here is the prompt that we provided – Baby panda cyberpunk style –chaos 75

Here is the image created by Midjourney. Notice the level of difference between each image. All are drastically different from each other.

Here is another attempt at the same prompt. Again, these are very different from the images generated above from the same prompt.

So, using the chaos parameter you can vary the images generated by Midjourney in each prompt. This will allow you to create a wide variety of images with reduced number of prompts thereby allowing you to experiment more with the prompt and get the perfect image you are looking for!

Controlling Image Quality

Midjourney also allows you to control the quality of the images that are created. The –quality parameter controls how much time Midjourney spends on generating your image. The higher the quality, more detailed the image, but faster the generation time. You can use quality values from 0.25, 0.5 and 1. By default the value is 1.

For example, here is an image with low quality value. We provided the following prompt – person with open parachute falling from sky –quality 0.25

Notice that the image is not very detailed because of the low quality value. Let’s try to regenerate the image with higher quality value. Here is the prompt again – person with open parachute falling from sky –quality 0.5

This time the image has more details in it and is way better than the previous one. 

Finally, let’s check the same image with quality of 1, which is the default value. Prompt – person with open parachute falling from sky –quality 1

Again, the image is very detailed. So, this parameter can turn out to be very helpful as per your requirement. You can turn down the quality parameter and check out the kind of image being generated by Midjourney. This can save you on your credits. And when you are satisfied with the image being generated, you can increase the quality value and go with that image!

Regenerating Images with Midjourney

Images generated by Midjouney are initially just noise. That is the starting point for each image being generated in Midjourney. Each time you generate an image, Midjourney randomly chooses some base noise and generates image from it. However, you can control the initial noise that Midjourney takes as the initial image to generate your image. This will allow you to regenerate the same image multiple times, if you so wish to do that.

The –seed parameter allows you to add noise to the image during creation. If you use the same seed with the same prompt, Midjourney will generate the same image. The seed number is just a random number. You can use any value between 0–4294967295. However, the value of the integer does not have any significance on the quality of the image created.

Here is an image generated with seed value of 10. Prompt – squirrel wearing sunglasses pop colour –seed 10

Each time we generated this image, we got the same result in the same session.

Adding blur to Images

If you want to create a blurry image or less detailed image, you can do that using the –stop parameter in Midjourney. This parameter allows you to stop the generation of the image midway through the process. It accepts value between 0 and 100 with the value representing the percentage of completion of the image.

Here is an image which we stopped midway at 50% of image generation. Prompt – raindrops on a car windshield –seed 127 –stop 50

Notice the blur in the image. Also, the image does not have much detail in it.

Here is another image with a higher stop value. Prompt – raindrops on a car windshield –seed 127 –stop 90

This image is more detailed than the previous one containing more detail.

Finally, let’s generate the same image, stopping it only at 100% image generation. Prompt – raindrops on a car windshield –seed 127 –stop 100

This image is more detailed than the previous one containing the maximum detail there could be for this prompt.

So, if you want to create some image replicating real photographed images, this is an amazing feature to try out since you can stop the image generation at various stages and check out the result. You can experiment with the blurriness of the image and create some real world images!

Controlling style with Midjourney

Midjourney also allows you to control the artistic colour, composition, and forms in the images that it generates. With the –stylize prompt, you can control the artistic nature of images. It takes value between 0 and 1000, with 100 being the default value.

Here is an image with the default stylize values. Prompt – robot jumping off a cliff into an ocean –s 100 –seed 27 

You can notice that the image matches the prompt but is not very artistic. Notice the waves are blurry and not very detailed. But let’s generate the same image with higher stylize value. Prompt – robot jumping off a cliff into an ocean –s 1000 –seed 27 

Here, the image is more detailed than the previous one. This image is more artistic even with the same seed value. So you can go ahead and experiment with this parameter.


So in short, Midjourney provides a number of parameters for you to control the images that it creates. This puts a lot of power in your hands to create the image you were imagining. So go ahead and experiment with these parameters and let us know the results!

Check out how Midjourney stands against other text-to-image tools over here.

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