Exploring Cohesive.so: Analysis of the innovative content generation solution

Cohesive.so is a generative AI platform designed to aid brainstorming, idea generation, and content creation. The platform caters to tasks that demand creativity and originality, such as marketing campaigns, social media content, boosting search engine rankings, and digital growth. 

Imagine a world where content creation is no longer a daunting task, fresh ideas are generated at the click of a button, and your writing is effortlessly enhanced by a digital companion matching your style and tone. Welcome to the era of generative AI tools, transforming how we approach creativity and content creation across industries.

Emerging from this cutting-edge landscape is Cohesive.so, an AI-driven platform that claims to deliver innovation and efficiency through a plethora of features designed to supercharge your creative endeavors. But does it truly live up to the hype? Join us as we assess the capabilities, effectiveness, and limitations of Cohesive.so. Along the way, we’ll also examine its potential pitfalls, helping you make an informed decision on whether this AI-driven tool is the key to unlocking your creativity or simply a shiny new toy.

Cohesive.so's user interface


Cohesive.so is a generative AI platform designed to aid brainstorming, idea generation, and content creation. The platform caters to tasks that demand creativity and originality, such as marketing campaigns, social media content, boosting search engine rankings, and digital growth.  It also supports personal endeavors like crafting compelling cover letters and impressive LinkedIn bios.

Its key features include generating content ideas based on user input, an AI editor matching users’ styles and tones, and a variety of templates for different needs and industries. However, its effectiveness and utility can only be determined through a detailed analysis of its features, use cases, and potential shortcomings.

Evaluating the Tool’s Capabilities: A Deep Dive

User Interface

The website’s user interface is incredibly user-friendly, with templates organized and segmented based on their specific purpose. For instance, selecting the social media option presents you with templates for social media posts, captions, video scripts, and even responses for your social media handles, streamlining your content creation process.

Layout of the Cohesive.so’s interface

Idea Generation and Content Creation

One of the standout features of Cohesive.so is its ability to generate content ideas tailored to users’ specific needs. By inputting a topic, users can access a range of potential ideas, making it incredibly useful for content creators who need fresh ideas regularly. However, the quality and relevance of these ideas are not always guaranteed, and users might find that some generated ideas require substantial refinement and editing.

We tried creating an Instagram reel script for ‘Life lessons to help or inspire others’. Here’s what Cohesive.so created for us.

Generated response from the prompt

While the content generated for the Instagram Reel script has the potential to inspire and offer life lessons to others, there are a few areas it falls short. The reel script lacks a certain depth as it focuses on general life lessons and doesn’t delve into any specific or personal experiences, which viewers connect more deeply with. Also, the content mainly revolves around college life, which might not resonate with a wider audience. 

  1. Lacks depth in content as it focuses on general life lessons and doesn’t delve into any specific or personal experiences, which viewers connect more deeply with
  2. Also, the content mainly revolves around college life, which might not resonate with a wider audience.
  3. Furthermore, the script doesn’t include a clear call to action or a concise message for viewers to take away. 

The platform also generates complete blog posts. We tested this template as well by asking Cohesive.so to write a blog about ‘‘How to create a morning routine for a happier and healthier life’’, and here’s what the results were:

Response generated from the prompt

Let’s deconstruct the blog it generated for a detailed evaluation:


  1. Clear structure: The blog post follows a well-organized structure making the article easy to read and digest.
  2. Relevant and practical tips: The tips provided in the article are practical and the suggestions cover various aspects of a morning routine.
  3. Relatable introduction: The introduction addresses common struggles many people face in the morning making the content relatable and establishing a connection with the reader.
  4. Engaging language: The writing style is engaging and friendly, making the reader feel like they are receiving advice from a friend.
  5. Use of suggested images: Relevant images are suggested to accompany each tip, making the blog visually appealing and easier to understand.


  1. Lack of depth: The benefits section lacks depth and supporting evidence, which could have been improved with the inclusion of research and statistics.
  2. Limited personal anecdotes or stories: Personal anecdotes or stories illustrating the benefits of a morning routine are missing, which could have made the article more relatable.
  3. No discussion of potential challenges: Including potential challenges or obstacles to establishing a morning routine, and offering solutions could have made the article more comprehensive.
  4. Limited customization and personalization: The tips offered were somewhat generic, and guiding customization could have made the article more engaging.

Cohesive.so also claims to match users’ style and tone, offering effortless writing and creating, rephrasing, and suggesting improvements to content with ease. While the AI editor might save users time and effort, the generated content may not always align with the desired style or tone, and human intervention might still be necessary to fine-tune the output.

Visual Appeal and Templates

Cohesive.so promises to enhance content with images, adding visual appeal to any project. Although the platform does provide relevant images for generated content, the selection of images may be limited, and users might need to search for more appropriate visuals elsewhere.

The platform’s extensive library of templates caters to personal and professional needs, covering marketing, sales, customer support, and personal writing. However, some of the templates might be more effective than others, and users could encounter inconsistencies in quality.

Roles-wise templates on Cohesive.so

Use Cases and Applications

Cohesive.so offers versatility for a range of applications, yet it comes with certain limitations. The applications encompass:

  1. Marketing campaigns: Cohesive.so helps marketers generate content ideas, create engaging copy, and develop visual assets to drive successful campaigns.
  2. Social media content: The platform streamlines the creation of social media posts, captions, video scripts, and responses for various platforms, helping users maintain a consistent brand presence.
  3. Search engine optimization: Cohesive.so can assist in generating keyword-rich content to boost search engine rankings and increase organic traffic to websites.
  4. Personal branding: The platform supports users in crafting compelling cover letters, LinkedIn bios, and other personal writing endeavors to help them stand out professionally.

While the platform offers many useful features, users should be aware of its limitations. For instance, the quality and relevance of generated ideas may be inconsistent, and users might need to refine and edit them to meet their specific needs. Additionally, the generated content may lack depth, focusing on general life lessons instead of providing specific or personal experiences.

In terms of matching users’ style and tone, the AI editor might not always align with the desired output, requiring human intervention to fine-tune the content. The platform’s visual appeal and template offerings, while extensive, may also be limited in their effectiveness and quality, depending on the user’s requirements.

In conclusion, Cohesive.so has the potential to be a powerful content-creation tool for various industries and applications. However, users should be prepared to invest some effort in refining and customizing the AI-generated content to fully harness its potential and achieve the desired results.


Cohesive.so, as an AI-powered content creation platform, offers a range of innovative features and tools aimed at simplifying and accelerating creative processes. Its capabilities span idea generation, content creation, visual enhancement, and an extensive collection of templates catering to various needs.

However, a critical analysis of the platform reveals certain limitations and inconsistencies. The quality and relevance of generated content may vary, and human intervention is often still necessary to fine-tune the output. Additionally, some features, such as image selection and template effectiveness, may not always meet users’ expectations.

In conclusion, while Cohesive.so does offer valuable tools for content creators, it should not be solely relied upon for generating high-quality, engaging content. Users should approach the platform as a supplementary tool that can assist and streamline the creative process, but not replace the skill, experience, and judgment of a human content creator. As AI technology continues to advance, it is possible that platforms like Cohesive.so will improve and address these shortcomings, ultimately transforming the creative landscape even more. As we navigate the future, let’s continue to combine the power of AI with human ingenuity to shape compelling narratives and push the boundaries of creativity.

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