Unleash your Creativity with Starry AI!

The use of AI in generating art has transformed the way we perceive art and creativity. Thanks to AI-powered tools, it is now possible for anyone, regardless of their artistic or technical background, to create amazing works of art!

Starry AI Feature Image
Create art with AI

One such tool is Starry AI. It generates images from text that are not only visually stunning but also thought-provoking. In this article we dive deeper into this tool and explore the different possibilities it can offer!

What is Starry AI?

Starry AI is an app that uses artificial intelligence to generate art. With this app, you can create art simply by entering a text prompt, and the AI transforms your words into a beautiful piece of art. Normally, generating art using AI can be a complicated process that requires a lot of technical expertise. However, with Starry AI, they have made this process easy and intuitive so that anyone can create stunning art with just a few clicks.

How to start with Starry AI?

Starry AI works on a credit-based system. Every day, you get 5 credits for free that you can use however you’d like. If you need more credits, you can buy them. But here’s an interesting twist: you can also earn credits by getting likes on your artwork! If you connect your social media platforms, like Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, or TikTok, then you may be able to earn even more credits. For every creation you need at least one credit.

In addition to the daily credits and the ability to earn more through social media, Starry AI also offers monthly and annual subscriptions. You can explore more options on its website.

You can explore all the art work generated by different users and can also like their arts.

It gives you distinct option for art work and another for high quality realistic images. The art work mainly gives you the animated images for your prompt. Art work gives many additional features:

  1. Prompt Builder: It gives you multiple options for various styles and themes that you can think of while creating your art work.
  2. Trending Styles: It also displays some trending styles that you can select and create a picture with a zest of it.
  3. Initial Image: Another optional feature is to upload or drop an image for a reference in your art.
  4. Canvas Sizes: Starry AI gives you the option for 5 sizes, default is portrait(4:5), rest are paid which are wide(5:3), Landscape(4:3), Square(1:1), Mobile Portrait(9:16).
Canvas Sizes

Following are the styles it provide in arts:

Starry AI Styles
Starry AI Styles

How you can earn credits in Starry AI?

Inside the explore option, we can see the art work published by the owner, there is also option to like the art of others and that’s how we can earn more credits.

Starry AI explore
Starry AI explore dashboard

You can find the details of how much credits you can earn by these following activities.

Earn credits in Starry AI
Earn credits in Starry AI

How to create your art work in Starry AI?

Let’s see how the dream imagination comes true with Starry AI. After you logged on the website. It gives you two options to create your art.

Starry AI: Select type of AI Image

In the Art section you can create artistic and cartoonist images, while in the photos section realistic images are generated. Below is the dashboard display for creating art.

Dashboard of Starry AI for creating art
Dashboard of Starry AI for creating art

You can give prompt in the description section, also there is and option where you can describe what you don’t want in you image. After that below are the optional features, you can select the style, or can add another art creation by clicking on the Start Image. Advanced settings enable you to change the canvas sizes, and you can increase the runtime to generate your image, which will give better quality images.

Let’s try with a prompt: “cabin situated at the top. There is also a river flowing down the mountainside, and along the riverbank, there are pink blossoms or flowers”, I have used the style as abstract world.

cabin situated at the top. There is also a river flowing down the mountainside, and along the riverbank, there are pink blossoms or flowers
cabin situated at the top. There is also a river flowing down the mountainside, and along the riverbank, there are pink blossoms or flowers

The image recognition technology was able to successfully identify all the objects mentioned in the prompt. Additionally, the accuracy of the image is considered to be excellent. The image is noted to have an abstract, artistic style, and this style is clearly reflected in the image.

Now Let’s take an example for the Photography, the prompt I tried is: “A big splash of water falling on the red cherry with cute butterfly flying”,

A big splash of water falling on the red cherry with cute butterfly flying
A big splash of water falling on the red cherry with cute butterfly flying

The result is lacking in accuracy for the given prompt, meaning that it did not fully meet the requirements or expectations. However, the level of detail in the result is very good, meaning that it is intricate and well-crafted. Specifically, the image is missing a cherry, suggesting that the result did not include this element.

We also tried humanistic prompts to see the accuracy in creating human limbs. The prompt is: “Man walking in rain holding an umbrella”. Below are the results.

Limbs Misplaced in Starry AI
Limbs Misplaced in Starry AI

As you can see, the image generated is not very realistic and even the human limbs are not very accurate. The performance of such prompts was not up to mark.

What are the limitations with Starry AI?

There are certain areas in Starry AI where we saw there was some scope for improvement.

  1. Human Limbs placement: It is not able to place the human limbs in proper place.
  2. Less credits for a day: It provides only 5 credits on each day, which limits any user to generate only 5 images per day.
  3. Canvas sizes: There are only 5 images aspect ratio are available, and 4 of them are only accessible with pro account.
  4. Accuracy: The level of accuracy for prompts and entities in a system is not consistently at its highest level. In other words, there are times when the system does not accurately identify prompts and entities.


Regarding Starry AI, it can be a fantastic tool for creating animations, 3D graphics, cartoons, and fantasy art. It’s also excellent for generating realistic images. However, there are some limitations to the tool, such as inconsistencies in accuracy and a limit on the amount of credits available. Despite these limitations, overall, the tool can be very useful for content creators since the graphics it produces are of high quality.

Stay connected with us to discover similar tools in the future!

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